Young Governors
Young Governors 2024-25
Formerly known as ‘School Council’, our Young Governors have been very active in previous years – both in canvassing pupil opinion across school and also making decisions and being a vital source of ideas to improve school. Recently, have been actively involved in areas such as:
- Writing the new school motto and vision,
- Choosing the five core Christian Values threaded through our daily lives,
- Writing and editing our new school ‘Anti-Bullying Policy’ to include a child friendly version,
- Lobbying staff to revisit sailing post-COVID for all Key Stage Two pupils (as part of our Sports Premium spending) after the incredible popularity of our Summer 2019 courses,
- Canvassing the opinion of fellow pupils for current and future Sport Premium spending,
- Selecting the type of cardio exercise equipment to be installed on the junior playground.
It is our great pleasure to introduce our Young Governor team for 2024-25! These include our new Year Six Head Girl and Boy, plus our Deputy Head Girl and Boy.