01942 733081


Good morning Year 6 and parents,

Following on from the recent school closures, I have compiled a selection of resources for Year 6 to be completing at home to help provide you with the appropriate skills required to prepare for high school. For the time being, please complete these at your own pace until further instruction is given. Please keep checking back at this class page for additional resources.

I know you will all do your very best to keep learning at home and I cannot wait to see all of your fantastic work when we return to normal!

  • You may also use this time to develop new skills like cooking and art
  • Don’t forget to keep healthy and active (Youtube: Joe Wicks kids workouts)
  • Read to your siblings and let them read to you
  • Try to read for your own pleasure for at least 30 minutes a day – how many books will you complete in this time?

All the best,

Miss Ashton

Purple Mash:

All Year 6 children should have a log in for purple mash. Over the next few weeks, I will be setting tasks for children to complete on PurpleMash so please keep checking your PurpleMash account for new tasks. These should be in your 2DO file; they can be completed at your own pace.



Click the link below to access the year 6 writing home learning tasks. These two writing tasks should take you a couple of weeks to complete if you are following the same standard as class.

Writing PDF

Year 6 Writing Framework 2019-2020

diary example PDF

HORROR text example PDF


Please use this time to immerse yourself in a selection of books and develop a love for reading! READ READ READ!


Please use BBC Bitesize as a revision tool. Also, if you type Year 6 SATs revision on YouTube there are many videos to help you. If you’re feeling confident, why not film a step-by-step tutorial of how to answer the questions.


Each week, I will upload a bank of arithmetic and reasoning questions for you to work through. This week’s focus will be adding, subtracting and dividing fractions. Next week (25th March), I will upload the answers for you to mark your work.

Arithmetic week 1: Fractions


Reasoning week 1: Fractions


Maths Hub: 

Please see the following link to access MathsHub resources at home – it’s FREE!

parent access info MATHS HUB

Home learning pack: Maths, SPAG, Reading, Practical ideas

School-Closure-Parents-Letter_Year 6




General year 6 games:





